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Ex Vat Inc Vat
Ex Vat Inc Vat

SL Rack Facade

SL Rack's SL Energy Wall is the newest addition to the SL Rack Mounting Systems excellent range. 

Watch the video here for a visual on the installation process.

There are two options for the Energy Wall Facade installation, either with Hanger Bolts or the cross rail system using the Hanger Bolt Adaptor 2.0.

SL racking systems  have been developed since 1996 and are continuously optimised. The systems are made of pre-assembled components that are quick and easy to install. All of their components follow a convenient top-down installation approach, ensuring a smooth and timesaving workflow.

 SL Rack systems are installer-friendly, intuitive and standardized, while still having the flexibility to adapt to each respective project site.

  • Quick and easy installation
  • Only one tool require: Torx 40
  • Module frames 28-50mm
  • Integrated ground
  • Water drainage included
  • No rattling noise
  • Sleek look

Components are largely pre-assembled. The mounting boards are available in 1790 mm for individual module installation in landscape (module length up to 1790 mm) as well as 4575 mm for four panels in portrait (module width 1134 mm)