Beny Microinverter
Beny microinverters offer higher productivity, higher safety and faster installation when compared to string inverters plus they offer panel level monitoring. Higher productivity because Beny microinverters do not suffer from shading the way string inverters do.
On a string inverter system, a shaded panel will cause the production of the entire string to drop to the same, lower level as the shaded panel. Using Beny microinverters ensures only the shaded panel suffers reduced productivity while all the other panels produce at their maximum level. String inverter shading losses really add up over time and that’s why Beny microinverters achieve a faster ROI.
Beny microinverters offer higher safety levels because unlike with a string inverter system, there is no high voltage DC cable running along the roof plus microinverters come with built-in rapid shutdown which protects against serious issues such as fires resulting from DC arc. Beny microinverters are plug-and- play and installers love how much time they save installing Beny microinverters when compared to a string inverter system - after all, time is money!
Finally, Beny microinverters come with panel level monitoring allowing users to view individual panel performance in real time.