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Huawei Fusion Solar Battery Systems

Huawei has brought 30 years of expertise in digital information technology to the world of battery storage! Their modular Luna system combines an all-in-one look with a modular system built from 5kWh units.

Huawei's systems are compatible with their optimisers and carry a 10-year warranty as well as 100% depth of discharge. They also offer a superb app, with a level of user interface that you'd expect from a consumer tech giant.

---View our non-hybrid commercial range HERE---

Support portal https://skesolar.freshdesk.com/support/home
Support telephone +353 615 24 700 (Opening Hours Mon-Fri 8am-5pm)
Fusion App download https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/pvmswebsite/app.html
Product Warranty Open warranty document